Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Chapter 6 INDIAN AIR FORCE - Std - IX


Defence Studies                             Std:-IX



Q.1) Based on the information gathered from newspapers and magazines or internet sources and write a note on the role of Indian Air Force in war.

Ans:- Total seven commands are in operation in Indian Air Force which is of operational, maintenance and training categories. All the command centers have their headquarters in different parts of India. 

Indian Air Force has some specific roles in protecting and securing the nation’s interest. 

  • Role of the Indian Navy

Military Role: There are two types of roles of the Indian Navy.

A) Offensive operations: The application of maritime power against enemy forces territory and trade.

B) Defensive operations: The application of maritime power to protect own forces, territory and trade.

  • Role of the Indian Navy

1) Protect our country from foreign countries.

2) Disaster management and protect the people from disaster and rescue them.

3) Give security at the border sites.

4) prepare for every attacks.

5) Give support to the Indian Navy.


2) Based on the information gathered from newspapers and magazines or internet sources and write a note on the role of Indian Air Force during natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, etc.

Ans:- During the time natural emergency like an earthquake, fire spread, flood Indian air force can reach that place for rescue and recovery operation at a very fast pace.

All the basic needs of mass like food, cloth, medicine, matches, rope, torch are provided by them for the situational betterment of the sufferers. 

Whenever a disaster strikes the state, the Indian Army plays a vital role in providing relief. Those are the people who help transfer aid. For example, we can look at the Indian Air Force which undertakes various civil relief measures.

Example: Transport and helicopter fleet support.

Airlift capability C-130 that helps in special operations like aircraft; Which has been proven in the relief work after the Sikkim Earthquake.

They help transport food and water, first aid, doctors. Items like tent setup and clothing for basic needs and items.


3. Collect pictures of various types of missiles / aircraft with the Indian Air Force and  paste them. Write the main characteristics of these missiles / aircraft. 


  • Mirage 2000--- It is operated by a single-engine. It can perform in multi-way and it is a single-seater aircraft.
graphics for question 3 page 37

  • Mig 27---- It is also a single-engine operated aircraft. And Mig 27 is also operated in a single hand as it is a single-seater.
graphics 2 for question 3 page 37

  • C 17---- It is usually used in carrying a huge load like 40 to 70 tons at a time and can cover a vast distance of 4000 to 9000 km on an average.

    graphics 3 for question 3 page 37


Q.4) Prepare a list of commands of forces and show their work area in map of India with the help of different colours.

Ans:- Each of the command force of the Indian Air Force has its own headquarter from where they operate in various modes.

Their work area is the following:

1.    Central Air Command----Allahabad

2.    Eastern Air Command---- Shillong

3.    Western Air Command----New Delhi

4.    South-Western Air Command---- Gandhi Nagar

5.    Southern Air Command---- Thiruvananthapuram

6.    Maintenance Command---- Nagpur

7.    Training Command----- Bengaluru


Q.5) Show headquarters of Indian Air Force and Indian Navy with different colours in the map of India.


  • Indian Air Force and Indian Navy has different headquarters in different parts of the Indian sub continent for their own convenience.
  • Indian Navy has head quarter in the western margin—Mumbai, in south as Kochi (Kerala) and in eastern part—Vizag (Andhra Pradesh).
  • Indian Air Force has head quarters in New Delhi, Allahabad, Nagpur, Shillong, Gandhinagar, Bangalore, Nagpur etc.

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